Haikuesday is a poetry weekly published on Tuesdays. It exists to provide a platform for all voices to share 17 syllable stories.




Volume 3, Edition 14





Anon #2













Lisbon Portugal

Estuary and ocean

Tagus river town


Raining in summer

Forty day flooding this week

Houston is flooded


Angry murderous night

Moon dripping in blood and tears

Cicadas sing songs


Time to look forward

Everything’s coming up roses

If you just let it


A familiar voice

And an unfamiliar face

Who are you kind one?


Temp tables keep dropping. And by a thread my

sanity is hanging.  


You left me alone

So drink till I drown

Tequila shots on my own


An owl singing night

Beneath a canopy of blue tears

Stars are living quiet


Your presence intoxicates me. Why now? I’m not ready yet. Be still!


Where do I go? Keep afloat,

Drift. In hindsight I’ll know

Why it was so.

Impossible choice:

Familiar stagnation,

Sea change and open doors.


Disaster strikes home

Insurance will not cover

What you don’t insure


I’m learning my heart

What I need and what you need

Are different things


Take this lesson now:

Change is staid companion

We will be OK


Pure or applied math?

Masters degree or BA?

Can I get a job?


Smells familiar.

Pineapples. Brings back a lot

of fond memories.


Heart is that you?

Bled till dry, now quivering.

Wanting to be let you.


Past menu – fried brain, charred heart

All you can eat sorrow

I am so full


From a dream to a

nightmare to another dream

And yet I’m awake


Illusions bring thrill

Will delusions I can chill

Let’s make it real love



Risen golden dawn

Laughter budding rose kisses

A sweet magic dance


Just doing my job

Making hard decisions

Duty and burden


The slow creeping ivy

Phoenixes dancing within the sky

Trees oozing with hues


A single white lily

In the folded hands of prayer

Monsoons of feeling


Flashes of white light

A rumbling in the night sky

Thunderstorm is here


Meghan is having

the same issue. Misery

loves company. Ha.


Overthinking, underdoing

Why left or right?

Just go move forward.


Do you taste better

than you feel? Beer and pizza?

Let’s Netflix and Chill.


Your birthday brings tears

Instead of cheers. Pure misery. Instead of bliss.


Day with fleas and stinky breath. I will say, “Eew!”

Of course, I’d still kiss you



Photo: Washington Street, Cork, Ireland.

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